비쥬얼 이미지


  • 연구실 - 공학관 2층 1241호
  • 연락처 - 033-248-2054
  • 이메일 - jwlee@hallym.ac.kr


    - Ji Soo Park, Jong Wan Lee, Doo Jae Park and Jae-Hyeon Ko, "Correlation between the Size of Microlenses and the Outcoupling Efficiency of Organic Light Emitting Diodes Studied by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation", Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 74, pp. 885~891 (2019).

    - Ji Soo Park, Jae-Hyeon Ko, Jong Wan Lee (Corresponding), “Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation of Fractal-Like Microlens Arrays for High Outcoupling Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 19, 1695-1698 (2019).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “Calculation of the Secondary Electron Emission Coefficients of MgO, MgBeO, MgCaO, MgSrO and MgBaO Induced by Auger Neutralization of He+, Ne+, Ar+ and Xe+ Ions”, New Physics: Sae Mulli, Vol. 68, pp. 939~944 (2018).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “Kinetic Energy Distribution of Auger Electrons of MgO, CaO, SrO and BaO Induced by Auger Neutralization of He+, Ne+, Ar+ and Xe+ Ions”, New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol. 67, pp. 1168~1173 (2017).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “Defect States of Zr-, Ru-, Si- and Ge-doped MgO Calculated by Using First-Principles Method for Auger Neutralization”, New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol. 66, pp. 1354~1358 (2016).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “Internal Force Model for the Conservation of Linear Momentum in Simulations of an Explosion of a System of Particles”, New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol. 65, pp. 1223~1228 (2015).

    - Ju Seob Lee, Jae-Hyeon Ko, Jaehoon Park, Jong Wan Lee (Corresponding), “Simulation Study on the Effect of the Emitter Orientation and Photonic Crystals on the Outcoupling Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea Vol. 18, pp. 732~738 (2014).

    - Jong Wan Lee (Corresponding), Jae-Hyeon Ko, “Defect states of transition metal-doped MgO for secondary electron emission of plasma display panel”, Journal of Information Display Vol. 15, pp. 157~161 (2014).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “New approach for simulation of large cluster impact using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method”, Surface and Interface Analysis Vol. 46, pp. 62~66 (2014).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “Estimate of the Direction and the Orientation of the Clubhead by Analyzing the Golf-ball’s Spin Vector at Impact”, New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol. 64, pp. 1001~1005 (2014).

    - Ju Seob Lee, Jong Wan Lee, Jaehoon Park, Jae-Hyeon Ko, “Simulation of the Combined Effects of Dipole Emitter Orientation, Mie Scatterers, and Pillow Lenses on the Outcoupling Efficiency of an OLED”, Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics Vol. 25, pp. 193~199 (2014).

    - Jong Wan Lee (Corresponding), Chang Geun Song, “Development of Teaching and Learning Materials for Game Physics”, New Physics: Sae Mulli Vol. 63, pp. 1112~1117 (2013).

    - Jong Wan Lee, “Effect of C and H contamination on the MgO surface properties studied using the first-principles method”, Journal of Information Display Vol. 14, pp. 97~102 (2013).


    - 이종완, “골프공의 스핀 벡터 분석을 통한 임팩트시 클럽헤드의 방향과 방위의 예측 방법”, 제10-1531674호, 2015년 6월 19일.


제목: 4시간 만에 끝내는 우주의 모든 것
역자: 이종완
출판: 2011, 살림출판사
원제: (독일어) KANN DAS ALLES ZUFALL SEIN? Geheimnisvolles Universum
저자: Heinz Oberhummer
출판: 2008, Ecowin Verlag GmbH, Salzburg


1장 _ 지구에서 다중우주까지
태양, 별, 행성, 위성: 하늘에서 밝게 빛나는 천체들
혜성과 소행성: 우주로부터 오는 위험
은하, 은하군, 은하단: 무수히 많은 별들
암흑물질: 지배적이지만 불가사의한 것
무한한 우주
2장 _ 영원에서 영원으로
우주의 기원: 우주는 어떻게 탄생했을까?
은하탈주: 우주는 팽창한다
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빅뱅: 무엇이 폭발했나?
양자중력: 빅뱅 이전에 무슨 일이 일어났을까?
암흑에너지: 우주의 수수께끼
3장 _ 별의 일생
원소의 탄생: 우리 모두는 우주먼지다
별의 기나긴 일생: 원시성에서 초신성까지
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우주선 지구호: 우리의 고향 행성
우주생물학: 추측에서 정식 학문으로
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